
Company Name: Vendomat AG
Address: Zentrumsplatz 1
Postcode/Place: 3322 Schönbühl

Commercial register: since 1970
Legal form: stock corporation
Share capital: Fr. 150,000.-
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Raoul Corciulo
Managing Director: Raoul Corciulo
Deputy Managing Director: Monika Tschanz

Bank details: BEKB
IBAN No. CH7600790016920425022

Copyright, trademark and usage rights

The operator of the website obtains images from the Photocase image archive, from its suppliers and/or has created images itself. The images may be used by the operator for private and/or commercial purposes. Our partners/customers are advised not to use any specifications, information or images that violate copyrights, trademarks and usage rights of third parties. Vendomat supports right holders in protecting their interests by comprehensive measures, but is also dependent on their assistance. Therefore, the operator asks all right holders to report a possible violation immediately in case of a justified suspicion.

Picture credits:
The operator cannot check all templates of the projects for their right of use and assumes no responsibility.

Third-party websites can be accessed directly via the website. However, the following statements apply exclusively to this website. For the use of websites accessible via this website, please refer to the respective terms of use of the linked website. By accessing the website, you signify your agreement to the following terms of use and legal information. If you cannot agree to the following terms, please refrain from accessing the site

Use of the website
Changes to the content of the website are prohibited. Without the consent of the operator of the website, reproduction, linking or use of copyrighted content of the website (logos, images, photos, texts marked as such, etc.), including the source code, for public, private and/or commercial purposes is prohibited. Downloading or copying from the website does not transfer any rights to the content of the website to you. The operator of the website reserves all rights regarding all elements on the website.

Disclaimer of warranty
The operator of the website checks the content and information that appears on the website, as well as the functionality of the search engine used with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given that the information published is complete, reliable or free of errors. In this sense, the operator of the website reserves the right to make changes to the website as necessary and without notice.

Linked websites
The operator of the website does not regularly check the content of linked websites. Access to and use of these websites is at the user's own risk. The operator of the website expressly disclaims any responsibility for these websites as well as for any damage resulting from the consultation of these linked websites.

Place of jurisdiction is Bern